Welcome to my Blog
Sleigh bells ringing? They are for LillyPuds!
My sleigh bells are ringing! I cannot believe we are nearing the end of the summer! Much to the frustration of many shoppers, the Christmas ranges will soon be in the shops… for me, it’s the culmination of 9 month’s work to bring our puddings to the shelves so I am...
What do you do the rest of the year?
As I am asked this so much I thought I would jot down what the Christmas pudding world is like when it isn’t Christmas. Thinking back to last year and the period from the beginning of October up until Christmas Eve, life consisted of 16 hour days practically every...
Thank you!
First and fore mostly, so many thank yous for the responses to our Christmas survey. The feedback we have received is very much appreciated and will definitely help us with our planning for this year. We also received some orders for our "not just for Christmas...
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
So this is my first blog post - feeling very techie right now! With Spring upon us and all the wonderful bright flowers in the gardens to cheer us up, why is it "beginning to look a lot like Christmas"? When I decided to bring LillyPuds into the world, I could never...
Roots of the Christmas Pud!
Christmas pudding has its roots in medieval English sausages, when fat, spices and fruits (the best preservatives of their day) were mixed with meats, grains and vegetables and packed into animal stomachs and intestines so they would keep as long as possible. The...
Hi LillyPudlians!
Had a quiet month with news - post Christmas wash up! Now over the moon to announce LillyPuds gluten free puds have been shortlisted for 2 awards in the Free From Awards 2017